Autumn Bird Feeding Tips

Fall season is upon us. Now is the time to assess your yard to ensure you have done what you can to help the birds through migration, winter, and into spring. It's a great time to feed the birds, and the right autumn bird feeding tips can help birders attract a wide variety of both resident species and migrating birds to their backyard buffet.

 Autumn Bird Feeding Myths

Several bird feeding myths surround fall feeding and many beginning backyard birders mistakenly assume that feeding birds in fall will hurt their feathered friends. The biggest misconception is the idea that if the birds have a steady source of food available in autumn, they will not migrate, and then when those feeders are empty the birds will starve.

In fact, a reliable food source is only a minor factor that affects how birds migrate. Daylight levels, climate and instinct also play important roles in seasonal migration, and feeding birds in autumn does not prevent migration, but can help it. Migrating birds require tons of calories for the energy necessary to fly hundreds or thosands of miles, and feeders can provide an energy boost to passing migrants as well as help resident birds build up fat reserves for their journey or to survive falling temperatures.

It is also a myth that there simply aren't birds around to feed in the fall. While many birds rely less on feeders in autumn because of the natural harvest abundance of wild berries, fruits, grains and seeds, bird feeders will still see plenty of activity. Backyard flocks will change as some resident birds leave for migration and more northern migrants arrive, but they will all welcome the opportunity to find an easy snack at bird feeders.

Reasons to Feed Birds in Autumn

Autumn is a dynamic, ever-changing season and it can be a very rewarding time to feed birds. Birders should always keep their feeders stocked in fall to...

  • Help birds imprint on the location of reliable food sources so they will return to the same place in the spring.
  • Help resident birds build fat reserves for energy once they begin migration.
  • Provide an easy food source for any migrating birds passing through the area.
  • Offer supplemental food when natural food sources begin to be depleted.
  • Attract the first winter bird species and encourage them to remain nearby all season.
  • By feeding birds in autumn, not only do birders assist migrating birds, but they also help other migrants learn where to go next spring for good food, which will increase the size and diversity of their backyard flock.